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Board Positions

The Edwards Spouses' Club Board of Directors is comprised of 100% volunteers and appointees.  If you are interested in becoming a part of the board for the 2021- 2022 board year, please contact us! 

Board Members are also asked to attend monthly board meetings and volunteer 2 hours at our Thrift Store 


  • Presides at all meetings of the Board, Executive Board, and General Membership

  • Acts as Edwards Spouses’ Club representative during different community meetings

  • Serves on the following committees:

  • Budget, Scholarship, Auction



  • Performs the duties of the President in his/her absence; may succeed the presidency if at any time the President is unable to complete the full term of office 

  • Supervises all welfare activities and supporting committees 

  • Assumes the duties of the welfare committee chair in the absence of one

  • Serves on the following committees: Budget, Scholarship, Auction



  • In the absence of the welfare vice president, performs the duties of the President in his/her absence and may succeed the presidency if at any time the President is unable to complete the full term of office

  • Supervises all social activities and supporting committees

  • Assumes the duties of the programs committee chair in the absence of one

  • Serves on the following committees: Budget, Auction



  • Records and signs the minutes of all regular and executive board, and general membership

  • Serves as the custodian of the Edwards Spouses’ Club permanent records, with the exception of records pertaining to finance

  • Records and processes all Edwards Spouses’ Club correspondence

  • In absence of a membership chair, coordinates with the social treasurer to keep the membership roster and email distribution list updated



  • Is responsible for all financial affairs of the Edwards Spouses’ Club social operating fund

  • With the welfare treasurer, is responsible for the filing of the annual income tax return

  • Ensures financial records of the social operating fund are maintained in accordance with the AFI regulations

  • Serves on the following committees: budget, auction



  • Is responsible for all financial affairs for the Edwards Spouses’ Club welfare fund

  • With the social treasurer, is responsible for the filing of an annual income tax return

  • Ensures financial records of the welfare fund are maintained in accordance with AFI regulations

  • Serves on the following committees: budget, scholarship, welfare and auction.



  • Oversees the finances of the Edwards Spouses’ Club Thrift Shop

  • Reconciles monthly bank statements with the recorded transactions in Quick Books

  • Pays the store manager’s monthly stipend and the monthly bills

  • Acts as a liaison between the thrift store staff/volunteers and the board

  • Serves on the following committees: budget, scholarship.



  • Acts in a non-voting advisory capacity and attends all board, executive board, and general membership meetings

  • Acts as a liaison with FSS



  • Chairs the scholarship committee

  • Reviews scholarship guidelines and applications with committee; clears application with legal office

  • Sends out, receives, and reviews applications

  • Arranges scholarship reception



  • Chairs the welfare committee

  • Reviews and researches, if necessary, all budgeted and unbudgeted welfare requests

  • Presents requests approved by the committee to the board for consideration

  • Dispurses approved donations



  • Chairs the auction committee

  • Works with the executive board to decide the location, type, and theme of the auction

  • Sets date and coordinates approval through base officials

  • Responsible for planning, marketing, and executing the auction

  • Secures auctioneer, catering, entertainment, etc.



  • Chairs the Mistletoe Bazaar

  • Chooses date, time, and location of the event

  • Submits fundraising application to FSS

  • Contacts vendors; sends out and collects applications and payments

  • Corresponds with vendors form the time of sign up to the day of the bazaar

  • Provides base access to vendors

  • Leads volunteers to help set up and advertise the event 



  • Chairs the Reindeer Run

  • Coordinated with FSS for fundraising approval 

  • Responsible for marketing, planning, and executing the 5k Fun Run to be held in early December

  • Distributes and collects entry forms and fees

  • Maps and marks the race route

  • Coordinates volunteers on race day



  • Plans monthly social functions

  • Prepares a schedule of social functions to present to the board 

  • Distributes invitations and collects responses



  • Suggests ways to increase membership

  • Keeps roaster of active and honorary members



  • Responsible for all Edwards Spouses’ Club property in the closet and lends out to Edwards Spouses Club member

  • Inventories all properties



  • Publishes the monthly newsletter

  • Responsible for maintaining the website and ensuring it is operating accurately

  • Designs, generates, and revises web pages; examines traffic on site

  • Along with the social vice president, maintains the club’s social media accounts



  • Takes pictures at Edwards Spouses’ Club events and submits to publicity chair for use in the newsletter and on social media



  • Heads the Cinderella closet at the thrift store

  • In charge of making sure dresses are dry cleaned 

  • In charge of planning “pop up” events such as prom, ALS graduation, homecoming

© 2019 by Edwards Spouses' Club |  Terms of Use  |   Privacy Policy

The Edwards Spouses' Club (ESC) is a non-profit, social/welfare private organization and not a part of the DoD or

any of its components and it has no governmental status.

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